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Northern Software

Our NSDSP programmers are fast and reliable PIC programmers. They support most of PIC microcontrollers.

The provided free software is very flexible and lets you organize PIC programming whether during development stages, or for production. Native software for Windows, Linux or Mac works fast and, unlike Java based software, does not introduce any additional delays. At the same time, the software is very versatile, whether you need a Graphic User Interface or command line untilities to automate your tasks.

All NSDSP programmers also have UART interface which lets your PIC communicate to PC at speeds up to 2 Mbaud. The source code for UART communications is free.

The high performance of NSDSP programmers is achieved by simplicity. NSDSP programmers do not use expensive 32-bit processors or FPGAs. The design consists of a single PIC16F1454 chip, but it doesn't have any overhead, and, as a result, can program faster than ICD3. If you're tired of software and hardware bloat, the streamlined NSDSP design is for you.

We sell single NSDSP chips too (prices are comparable to FTDI chips). You can install such chip onto your production board, which not only makes your PIC field-programmable without any dongles, but also provides low cost USB-to-UART interface, which you can use to configure your PIC. If you need help, we will be happy to write a PC user interface for this.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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